The ceremonies over, we were inside the Library. A sight to see-somebody exclaimed: “Is it Govt school or 5 star?” Right at the entrance, there was its “mission statement’ alongside a picture and introductions of Prof Sanjeev Sanghi and Prof B K Behera.

The mission statement is the top most featured image above.
The reception desk has a personal computer, a multifunction laser printer and a book binder all set amidst roses. A concealed perfume maker at the back of the library creates a natural feel.

The Library is linked to the Digital Library of IIT Khragpur enabling download of 1.2 crore books, audios, videos covering reading materials from kids to Ph D’s.

A very important part of the Library is scientific Models and hands on working. Models and games of many kind are stocked. Students are encouraged to have fun, apart from reading.

Nature conservation and study of nature are important areas covered by the Sanghi Library. Mr Kalyan Patra, IIT Kharagpur, a lover of nature and publisher of “Srishti” has donated more than 50 copies of his magazine. The magazine has a Hindi and an English version. A Ph D from IIT Kanpur and past Vice President of a Tata group of IT Companies, has given more than 100 copies of the National Geographic magazine.

Prominent, pleasant and appropriate signages are another important component of the Sanghi Library. Red background with white letters makes the signages very visible while merging with the overall color scheme of the Library.

Projector with 6×4 ft screen linked to a PC makes for an attractive conference room. It enables multiple students to read the same book, at the same time.

A few pictures (without any people), are reproduced below. They bring out the ambience of the Library. Notice overhead display racks, colorful furniture, red carpeting, show cases. Round tables instead of rectangular contribute and blend with natural appearance-there is nothing rectangular in nature.

Continued to Part 5………………